Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Super seed mode: ON!

Wow seeding is a pain in the ass...
Anyway I spent the entirety of today trying to figure out my computer science login name.
NOT MY PASSWORD, which I've memeorized for like 4 years.
My login name.
After trying koyoung1, oyoungk0, oyoungk, oyoungk1, koyoung, koyoung0, etc etc etc, I finally tried "oyoung".
The hell!
Logins are supposed to have your first initial in them godmanit!
I also had a feeling of dejavu...of going through this stupidity before.

One incomplete Duel Savior faq, I'm proud of myself, well not really, but hey I've got CONTRIBUTER status on gamefaqs now.

Anyway time to work on that sql baloney.

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