Saturday, April 02, 2005


Air ended.
Fuck me.
Massive spoiler crap.
I really can't say anything I guess.
But yeah Jeff Lawson was right, 10 was really weird and off (Stupid Yukito crow), 11 was right on and really touching, and 12 was sort of soul crushing.

I actually liked episode 8 and 9 a whole lot, even though they were in a completely different setting.
I really liked those three characters Kanna, Uraha and Ryuuya.
It sort of makes me wonder if Yukito had stayed alive and only Misuzu had died, would Yukito and Haruko have gotten together?

Misuzu's level 3 overdrive in Eternal Fighter Zero makes me feel a lot sadder now.
It's recreated so faithfully...when she gets out of the wheelchair and walks toward Haruko and falls into her arms she says, "Goal."
But yeah, why did BOTH of them die.
What the hell!
I thought at least one would live, but one died to save the other and even though he did he didn't.
The thing is they followed the original game storyline almost to the letter.
It makes me sort of prefer the arcs where Yukito's still alive, like Kano's and Minagi's.
I hate Sora crow, he sucks.

It sort of makes me wonder how Kanon would have been received if they kept the true endings for everyone, i.e. not only Makoto bites it, but Shiori dies from her sickness (OHNOES), Mai stabs herself and Sayuri doesn't stop her (OHNOES x 2), Ayu isn't in the hospital but already dead (UGUU), and the only one who makes it out alive is Nayuki.

I Clannad is.
I hear it isn't that great comparitively to the other two.

Anyway, here is my picture commemorating the end of Air.


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