Thursday, December 21, 2006


Guilty Gear Act wait Accent Core is out.
New announcer is gay as fuck.
COMPLETELY redone voices are throwing me off like fucking crazy.
Some voice actors have been changed, and the ones who stayed completely redid their samples.
Like a lot of their sayings have been...well slowed down.
Example is Sol goes BAAAANDIT BRINGER.
Not sure if there's an option to use old voicing, as it's really fucking up my hearing these matches (sometimes I swear it's the same sometimes I swear it's completely different.)

Bridget...girlier? Yeah possible. Loli to the max.
Johnny, I think same VA, but his ensenga is like ENSENGA! RAWR!
Testament, mostly the same.
Faust, mostly the same.
Dizzy, completely different, maybe the movie file I had was wonky but a lot worse.
Sol, is it still Daisuke doing the voicing? Not sure
Zappa, same.
Ky, same.
May, same.
Anji, unsure, I have one movie of him sounding mostly the same, and the other it seems all his samples are lot angrier.
Edit: will be updated as I watch more. (I have like 100 matches of ggac so yeah)

Already finding shit that looks stupidly broken.
Half life coin loop otg from Johnny, half life combos off grand viper for Sol...
EX moves look weird.
I'm probably going to throw the filebank matches on u2b because of how stupendously horrible filebank is.


Anonymous said...

i am the 1 who is request the IaMP replay...
i am sorry that i bother again...
just wan to tell u that i am still waiting for yur response/file...

Sibby said...

I was really hoping you'd find it yourself by googling Tohgeki, but here it is:
All the replays for the first one.

Anonymous said...

thanks thanks...
your help is appreciated...
thanks thanks...^^

ps:the file that u posted is missing the battle between tournament champion & the semi-final and finals....
eg:tournament A champs vs tournament B champion...

i tried finding it in
but couldnt find any...
perhaps maybe u can read japanese and find it?

Anonymous said...

my mistake...
found it...