Friday, December 24, 2004

Passing on...

Wow some repeat posting here about WoW, I guess I really don't have track of the time I spend on that game.
Anyway, my old computer has finally given up.
It's laying down in the middle of the road and waiting to die.
I ordered a whole bunch of new parts, going to salvage the card and the two hard drives and just copy stuff over then format both of them.

Man I'm sort of excited, even though I had to spend lots of money =/.
But my computer had given up the ghost anyway, it was seriously pushing it.
I'm surprised it didn't explode earlier.

Anyway the new thing should be pretty sweet:
Athlon 3200+
1 gig ram
Some crazy mofo motherboard
Salvaging radeon 9800 (yes yes it was WASTED on my old piece of shit.)
Some funky case which I HOPE TO GOD fits in my suitcase back.
That's basically what's changing, oh right already have a SATA drive.
Wish me luck fools, hopefully I don't own myself again (REMEMBER THE THERMAL GREASE MORON!)

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