Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Lack of Interest

Anyway, so I'm currently being held on a leash for my application to Windriders, most notably my current "lack of enthusiasm" in Wow and other things, so I have no sponsors at all.
Meh whatever, they may be right; it's funny how I know so many of them too...perhaps I should have joined earlier.

Not sick anymore (that thing lasted a week, probably most miserable week of my life amongst my last couple of years of existence), now it's spring break, post failed midterms and post failed papers.

My sleep schedule is a 7am to 4pm deal (yes that's when I sleep), that's not good, nor is the fact that I'm just playing games every day during break.

Finally got Allan to fucking read Amber, I hope he's enjoying it, but he's taking it slow and in fact only IMs me to tell me when he has time to read Amber but DOESNT because of something like Rocky 4 on TV.
Yes, Allan is a bastard.

I'll have to resume my torrents of Air, played Majokko a la Mode, found it pretty indecipherable and lacking, what else...oh right, replaying Tales of Symphonia, this time going for Sheena.
Wahaha, I beat the fucking sylphs at level 21, IN YOUR EYE GODAMN SYLPHS, WHO IS SAD NOW! (Yes I have all my old techs, fuck you though, it's the godamn Sylphs!)
And I beat Sword Dancer 2 at level 31 (Everyone did 1 damage, cept Raine...so I basically chose Zelos, Colette, Sheena, and Raine and pinned him down with infinites (or block chains) while she RAYed/healed away...if Zelos died I'd switch to one of the other two to continue the pressure while Raine ressed.
I beat him twice really sloppily, and I was pretty unhappy with my performance there (-7 to -10 grade or so, massive use of life bottoles)
Final time went near perfect, I think I only lost two characters (I think Zelos once and Colette once), must have hit him with over 1000 worth of 1 damage combo hits, 15 grade or so woo!
Regretably that jumped everyone's levels by like 3-4, so there went my keep low level strategy to get to Rodyle with only level 36-37 (Yes I could kill off the people I want to use and use the others until then to gain exp, but that's just too much work...)

Oh right, more stupid links
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Trust me fools, NO ONE ON MY BUDDY LIST YET (Roommate doesn't count) TRULY understood the chicken joke until I sent them this link.

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