Monday, December 05, 2005


Shuffle! Episode 20.
Breaking point.
She went all out.
People bash for Rin for not realizing her feelings, but do people fault her for not realizing Rin's feelings?
It's like they want to simultaneously hope nothing is wrong with the other.

Anyway, I wrote I gigantic post on animesuki, and I'll repost it ONCE YOU CATCH UP TO ME.

Anyway, I've said this many times before...but I felt what he did at the end of Episode 20 was the only thing he could have done, and the right thing.
He had to "break the flow."

Meanwhile, I have so many spoilers about 21-24 by virtue of the game that I'm dying everytime I read some ignorant post on animesuki or statement in #KNKF.
I guess I can't really call them ignorant, as they don't know...well spoilers!
But still, it's like they ignored EVERY GODAMN HINT the series gave, and there are a lot.

Allan, if you pick this up, don't read my last entry either.

Also, the title of this post is ANOTHER spoiler, it's said in Shuffle! the game, and it refers to what's happening in the series now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Argh! I shouldn't have scrolled down! Now you left me wondering what's going to happen in 20!?!? drats, drats, drats, I have finals you know!!