Saturday, December 09, 2006

Verizon can not do math.

Not a video, just a phone conversation.
Yes it's long, it's 22 minutes long.
It shouldn't be.
Just listen to the first five minutes or so and then go burn some cats to dispel your now exploding rage against the stupid people.

The last person he gets, the floor manager, says something to the effect of "IT'S A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION."


I fucking hate stupid people.


Anonymous said...

I think it's Canada. :D

Unknown said...

He should have just told the guy to multiply it by $0.00002 rather than trying to get the idiot to recognize the difference between cents and dollars.

Anonymous said...

Ri = Lilyes. I signed into blogger on a friend's "friend's only" blog and suddenly I have an acct. -_-

Anonymous said...

relax...we know he is stupid...
but it not worth to get angry on him...
because he is too stupid...

ps:in case if u didnt see my old post