Only screwed up once going up, was blinded by sun and ended up on 87-S instead of North, went to one of those gaps in the railings with a big ass NO U TURN SIGN and made a uturn.
It's pretty cold up in Troy, mostly stayed in the video game room showing POFV/IAMP/EFZ/MBFT/RBO.
Fought the same guy first round in like 3 tournaments and lost to him all 3 times (except for smash, where I raped 9-2 when they forced us to play freaking FFA with Peach, then lost in 1v1 versus a Jiggly of pain)
Watched Haruhi 10-12 again for awesomeness.
Watched Kanon with two other people from shrinemaiden boards for funnies.
Brady borrowed my car (AND IT WAS SNOWING), but he had promised a to fill up the tank and I was nearly empty so I said sure why not.
Incidentally Brady's apartment was like worse than Brennan and mine...except they didnt have cockroaches (probably too cold for even them).
Seems like they don't really live in it, just sleep in it.
Or something to that effect.
Anyway, we get to the main complaint I had with this con, which I'm sure way too many people know by now (I asked so many people it was ridiculous.)
That is my main reason, or rather 90% of my reason for coming up failed to materialize.
Online there is a girl named Jade Cicada (Additional space to counter page rank algorithms), she's the one who suggested I come up to the convention.
Now keep in mind I really wouldn't do this for anyone, but Jade's intelligent enough, likeable enough and interesting enough to warrant a visit.
Seeing as I have an interview through a family connection soon and that if I land that job I'll probably be moving, I was like sure why the hell not, as it would probably be the last time the drive to RPI would be tolerable (two hours).
I didn't expect to play some massive mind game once I got there.
Keep in mind I don't know Jade's real name.
The tidbits of information I had at that point were:
She definitely goes to RPI, she's half-german, half-taiwanese, in the game developer's club.
That's it.
Not much to go on, but she said she was going to be a volunteer for an anime showing, but didn't know where/when.
Whatever, work it out there right?
In retrospect I should have known.
Registration was 25 dollars, it could have been ten if I used Brady's student card, but I felt bad about being THAT cheap plus Brady wanted to play in the magic tournament (200 dollar prize) anyway.
Talked to a Reisen cosplayer. Yes male. Haha I think I was the first who recognized him as I kept staring at him in the registration line and couldn't resist chasing him down afterwards.
Afterwards, I checked the showing rooms when I got there, didn't see anyone remotely asian and female, and set up in the gaming room for a while.
Showing POFV and IAMPs and all that.
Anyway somewhere along the line a random guy (nametag says Chris) recognizes Touhou and is like hey, and we play POFV for a while.
Then he asks if I'm from JHU.
This isn't common knowledge so I answered yes along with how did you know?
He said that the person I was looking for (Obviously Jade) would be in 318, but he said that she didn't give a time.
Right here I should have pressed him for more information but it didn't register to me.
Since shifts were every four hours I felt that it shouldn't be hard to find her.
So I played games...and every four hours I'd check room 318.
And there would be someone obviously not Jade there.
I'd check the other two rooms half the time just to be sure, and to EACH volunteer I explained my story.
I'm sure I must have sounded hilarious, I must have talked to 70% of the total volunteers for Genericon.
Each one denied/had no clue, they suggested I go to HQ to see.
Well I went to HQ and looked at the volunteer list and there were only two asian last names, neither in 318.
Asked the two about it, both had no clue (One didn't even go to RPI, she was there from mm...Albany I believe.)
Anyway met Chris the next day again and asked about it, he said she had a German last name.
Stupid. Me. Should have figured that out. But hell if I know German last names, and that list didn't ring any bells.
Plus he wouldn't give me her real name, as she had explictly told him NOT to.
Gah more mind games.
Played a bazillion more POFV with Chris and Strider (from sm boards) and left my lappy in the videogame room on cpu matches when I went to check the anime showins just so people would get interested, lost over and over in fighting games against Nuclearcheese :V
Chris also mentioned that Jade had been in 330 during Loveless lying down under the soundboard, this made me feel silly as I had been in during the Loveless showing and had talked with the person running it lying down near the front, only I hadn't recognized that it was Chris (we didn't recognize each other as it was dark and Loveless is so bad you can't turn away, but I didn't bother to check the people next to him on the ground.)
Anyway third day since Chris had said the day before that she had stuck mainly to the Great Hall (never went to the game room), I just set up my laptop there and waited with a sign taped to it.
Toward the very end, I got to talk to someone named Hui? Hsang about the entire thing, as she seemed like a head of volunteers (was in HQ a lot) and she got a big laugh out of the whole thing, I felt sort of silly every time she walked by and smiled out of pity -_-a
Well, that's the con wrapup.