Monday, October 18, 2004


Tick off two more Duel Savior endings, this time Nanasi's and Lily's.
After the depressing crap that is Rico's ending, Nanasi's was...surprisingly happy.
I really liked it.
Little miss undead isn't really undead after all.
I really enjoyed the challenge of fighting all four stooges at once. (Lobelia, Imanetei, Mudou, and Shezar)
Plus Nanasi gets a sword in the last two final battles and a "I'll beat the crap out of you" voice.
A pity though that she doesn't count as Nanasi but Rubinasu in the final two battles, so no you can't use her in those two battles on your second playthrough.
I'm not sure when they started subtley altering how she looked but Rubinasu is noticeably different by the time you hit the ending than the DESU NOOO girl we started out with.
If anything she's more mature and a hell of a lot sexier. (Cute -> Sexy)
From what my feeble Japanese can gather you're the "red king" or so of the current age, while Nanasi/Rubinasu was the "red king" of 1000 years ago.
You're fighting against the servants of the white king I believe.

Lily's was a surprising change.
It is also LONG AS HELL.
All female wizards have a Lina complex, and this one was no different.
But seriously Lily's story is why she's tied with Nanasi as my second favorite characters.
Lily has a HUGE inferiority complex because her mother (the school head) was an avatar that kicked major ass. (She's not a native)
What she doesn't know is her mother was walking around 1000 years ago as an avatar along with Rubinasu and I think maybe ?Lobelia? and one more person.
Some serious story revelation here, plus the bad guys start coming out in force, they even get their battleship.
Plus some of the hardest battles since Nanasi's scenario.
You fight Shezar (not toned down), Mudou (not toned down, and you're alone), Myurieru (This fight is touching, cause Lily's crying and screaming her head off. Myurieru is Lily's mother and somehow it seems like you're supposed to die to let the world have a better chance at surviving), Lobelia (NOT toned down, 1 on 1), and Downy (He's added a fucking sword to his arsenal along with Onslaught's eye laser super move from MVC to his whorish magic now. I sort of shudder to think what he gets in Mia's episode...8 arms and a AHVB?)
Still, a touching ending, Lily's really cute when saving you from Lobelia.

Something I noticed is MIA starts showing insane signs of jealousy and breaking down. Poor girl sort of wants to go home, but you're staying for now so she's staying with you. But when she realizes she's lost you to Lily she flips. I sort of wonder how her path is going to play out, but I'm really wary cause it's the godamn Japanese "imouto" love scenario. That alone makes me sort of queasy.

It might be just me, but the game sort of biases you toward the later characters. It feels like each time you choose a different character more and more about the main storyline is revealed or extended, and you start spending a longer time with the later characters. They'll need to do a DAMN good job to bias me toward Mia though.

What time is it Mister Fox?
I think I'm one of the few people who unconsciously jetlags himself.
This sunday I slept at 12pm, woke up at 8pm, went to sleep again and woke up at 3am, and now it's 6am.
What the hell, is this normal?
I think I need pills or something, cause I seriously just can't control how I sleep anymore.

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