Out the new computer.
Holy crap this mouse is sensitive.
And this monitor is HUGE.
I feel humbled.
Ar Tonelico II is looking more and more like Valkyrie Profile.
Which is a good thing...
The first one's gameplay was sort of lacking (the only reason you fought was for the DIVES. Innuendo extreme.)
For those of you who are not completely attuned to Japanese memes and corresponding weirdos, this post is about Hatsune Miku.
Hatsune Miku is the mascot of sorts for Yamaha's voice synthesizer software "Vocaloid."
In short, after a little calibration, she sings for you.
The supposed purpose is to make your own vocals easily without needing a real singer.
She does a passable job, but of course her design is so obviously cute that Japan has fallen into love and started using her to sing their meme songs and video game sound effects.
She's definitely more suited for Japanese above any other language (people have tried English and it fails spectacularly) but this is the first time I've heard her do another language, and an opera at that.
The obligatory Korean German sz said it was undeniably cute (but I'm still curious if her pronunciation was any good.)
Agh more stupidly cute stuff!
Ironically, the hideous monstrosity before this video is more popular.
One of the best MADs ever, the creator redrew and recolored EVERY INDIVIDUAL FREAKING frame for this opening parody.
I saw the initial statges when they were just line art...
Japan is too crazy.
[22:19] <ikusat> so one of my friends is in japan for an exchange program
[22:19] <Aya-Shameimaru> aren't we all
[22:19] <ikusat> friend: there's this taiwanese guy who thinks he's a hotshot at japanese in the program w
[22:19] <ikusat> friend: and he's decent too
[22:19] <ikusat> me: punch him in the face
[22:19] <ikusat> friend: except that all his t are d...
[22:19] <ikusat> me: there's a very obvious difference between t and d
[22:19] <ikusat> friend: i actually didn't really believe you until i heard him speak w
[22:19] <ikusat> friend: it was like mata ne
[22:19] <ikusat> friend: and he's like mada ne
[22:19] <ikusat> friend: and i was like lolwut
[22:19] <Aya-Shameimaru> LMAO
[22:19] <Aya-Shameimaru> oh ffs
[13:14] <SabinJPN> hey guys
[13:14] <SabinJPN> sorry i lost :(
[13:14] <ArlyNoir> hey sabin!
[13:14] <ArlyNoir> naw you did good
[13:14] <Nanaya> how was getting your match stolen from you?
[13:15] <SabinJPN> dude
[13:15] <SabinJPN> i was about to pull off the biggest upset ever
[13:15] <SabinJPN> lol
[13:15] <ArlyNoir> we saw
[13:15] <ArlyNoir> live
[13:15] <sibladeko> dude we saw
[13:15] <SabinJPN> the room at tougeki was going nuts
[13:15] <ArlyNoir> but you know what
[13:15] <Nanaya> yeah
[13:15] <sibladeko> they didn't rape your shit
[13:15] <ArlyNoir> you got mad props for repping
[13:15] <sibladeko> baldy raped every other foreigners shit on the live feed
[13:15] <sibladeko> but yours
[13:15] <ArlyNoir> hahahaha
[13:15] <sibladeko> we got to see it
[13:15] <Nanaya> lol
[13:15] <SabinJPN> because it was hyped up in the tougeki book
[13:15] <SabinJPN> thats why
[13:16] <SabinJPN> and kuni was there adn made sure it was a feature match
[13:16] <ArlyNoir> that's awfully nice of hem
[13:16] <SabinJPN> caue they wanted to see me gat raped they said
[13:16] <ArlyNoir> them
[13:16] <ArlyNoir> wtf
[13:16] <sibladeko> lmao
[13:16] <Nanaya> lol
[13:16] <ArlyNoir> loo
[13:16] <SabinJPN> then i won a round and everyone in the corwd started exploding
[13:16] <ArlyNoir> looool
[13:16] <SabinJPN> lol
[13:16] <Nanaya> the feedback on 2ch was you were a free win if I recall
[13:16] <SabinJPN> yeah they called m ea keyboard crusher
[13:17] <SabinJPN> but afterwards ppl were like yo im sorry
[13:17] <ArlyNoir> fuck the haters
[13:17] <Veteru> keyboard crushers unite ~ ~
[13:17] <ArlyNoir> haha
[13:17] <SabinJPN> and the announce rwas all like "i didnt know they had a arcana cabinet in usa" lol
[13:17] <Nanaya> lol
[13:17] <ArlyNoir> LOL
[13:17] <SabinJPN> then ppl wer elike who do you play with, im like, um, 2 ppl and cpu
[13:17] <SabinJPN> lol
[13:17] <Nanaya> lol
[13:17] <ArlyNoir> damn
[13:17] <Nanaya> that's pretty hardcore dude
[13:17] <ArlyNoir> well you made a jackass out of them :3
[13:17] <SabinJPN> cause seriously hts my comp
[13:17] <SabinJPN> yeah they werent feeling that lol
[13:18] <NerdJosh> ARTTTTTTTTTT
[13:18] <NerdJosh> good shit good shit good shit :D
[13:18] <SabinJPN> is funny too like i lose 20-30 games straigh tin causls, but i guess its only leveling me up
[13:18] <Kumubou> SabinJPN: also I think the enviroment helped you a LOT
[13:18] <SabinJPN> i get smashed by the top players here, but everyone else i can o back and forth with
[13:18] <ArlyNoir> i think if you had a week
[13:18] <Kumubou> oddly enough
[13:18] <ArlyNoir> it would've helped
Type-moon has announced that they will be selling an audio drama called All Around Type-Moon at the coming summer Comic Market. The audio drama will span for 150 mins over 3 CDs featuring all the characters from the Type-moon universe coming together in a cafe.
The works featured in the audio drama are:
1: Kara no kyoukai
2: Tsukihime
3: Kagetsu Tohya
4: Melty Blood
5: Fate/stay night
6: Fate/hollow ataraxia
7: Tobidase! Toraburu hanafuda douchuuki
8: Fate/Zero
I guess that means they’ve already casted voice actors for the characters from hollow ataraxia and Fate/Zero.
Mad Respect for Khan
Hevad Khan finally played a hand, moving $800,000 into the pot in late position to fold the table. "Thank you," said Khan to the folders, "that was one bet in three orbits. I respect the fact that you respect me."
Zepy: do you know new exciting system has been recently implemented into RO2 Zepy: it allows guys to lie down on girls' laps 7:47:09 AM Zepy: and innovative feature lets the guy have an action where he touches the girl's hair while he is lying on her lap 7:47:45 AM Zepy: and another even more innovative feature lets the girl point at the guy who is lying on her lap and say "what the man you are~"
Hi. When are the grand finals for 3rd Strike going to be held?You can feel the bitterness.
what happened to this? Everything was cool until I couldn't get my money, but I see how it works.
Maybe next time I'll enter the tourney and tell them I'll mail them my entry fee later or maybe I'll tell Time Warner I don't have thier money but I'll send it to them when I feel like it. The way I see it, if I gave you my money on the spot why couldn't get my prizes on the spot like you guys said.
Product Zero strikes again!
First of all, you are confined to play this game on a keyboard. I don't know about you, but fighting games are not meant for keyboards. At all. What made TF decide upon this is beyond me, and no matter what you do you can't configure the game to use a gamepad instead, which, in the end, hurts IaMP's fun level. Being forced to use your keyboard in the very heat of the battle is a very annoying and bothersome task that only makes things more complicated than simple, especially when pulling off super attacks, producing difficulties up the wazoo. Funny that, I was told it would automatically configure itself to a gamepad... well, this game pretty much proved that wrong and makes playing it uncomfortable, difficult, and awkward. Never try playing this game on its hardest difficulty setting with this in mind: it becomes extremely aggravating, almost impossible even. If you love punishing mistakes, and you're a sadist, then by all means, go right on ahead.
Second, a lot of attacks and moves are barely comboable, and considering that it's part of what you must rely on in this game, it just won't do, leaving the game engine rather inflexible and stiff rather than varied and deep. There is barely even anything to work for other than unlocking four hidden characters by beating them in the Story Mode, and considering the game's playability and all, this is actually pretty much a good thing, as forcing yourself to play the game in any other means would probably result in a lot of broken fingers and broken dreams.
Another flaw in the game is that later on in fights after you've worn your opponent down a good amount, they will start to rely on doing nothing but shooting projectiles all around you in a sort of pattern, which is reminiscent of other entries in the Touhou series, though this isn't always a good thing. To note, this may not seem bad at first, especially when you can use the V key to dash around and “graze” along the projectiles, which is actually a very good saving throw. But later on it starts to become boring, predictable, confusing and annoying after a while or after the next several times. It also tends to get in the way of the actual fighting, making it very difficult later on to progress the fight when you are forced more to dodge your opponent's shots. It hampers the overall flow of the experience and drags the fight on for an even longer time, making the fights more of a chore than actually being fun, and kicking the very novelty out the door. Really, the most fun you can get out of this game is by playing it with a friend (if you want to share the same annoying keyboarding experience with).